Haha, thanks guys :D
@ Jolene's post : Well, I aint rushing you, just so you know :D
Haha xDDD
Here's the pics I have :

Drama Night :DDD Quite long ago derh xDD

Fatass = Fat Ass. Agree?

I'm getting perv waves. Perv Wave Alert!

*cough* *cough* *blood spurts out of the eyes* *dies* End of story.

My Si Han :DD I bored so I draw a pirate :DD

Closer view ^^

Me and Glorrrrr ^^

♥! A pic from long ago xDD

I upload Wan Qing Yuan photos tomoro :DDD
United as one(big marshmallow) 2:07 AM.
responding to ft's request of pics. this is the only one i have so far.
oops. kinda blur. nvr mind:]-ahmah
United as one(big marshmallow) 12:06 AM.
hihi! xD first post frm me xDft ask me to post sth. yesterday was super nice :DDDD it was raining. damn cold. n we plaed captain's ball in gym. ._. jamie toh was so tall >.< as defender. cant get the ball through xD but it was fun :D
support our blogshop! :D i rly haven do any products yet >.< cant find the rite color for the beads n gt 2 wait until stocks come in ._. so far only ft has been the only one doing the bracelets wif the beads. while i'm trying to make urahara. xD
ohya...ppl who can post, pls post (for ppl who feel borred)! the blog kinda feels dead ._.
-Jolene- xD
United as one(big marshmallow) 12:05 AM.
Heyyy Guyzzzz!
Please post some pics!
Make the blog more....colourful?
Haha xDD
But seriously, post some :D
Heehee ^^
United as one(big marshmallow) 11:56 PM.
Heyyy :D
Wed, lots of stuff happened.
Jamie Toh went home earlier cos of abdominal pain. (Yes, i think the spelling is wrong. Sue me.)
Next, I punched Xavier.
After that, I punched Xavier again.
And finally, I punched Xavier again and again^^
Cool right :D
Haha xDDD
We had Track Meet after school.
It was fun, except for the end.
Where we all went home at abt...7? I think.
Pics will be uploaded by someone else, cos i dun have the pics.
Unless they pass to me, then I upload :D
Yes, I'm talking to
YOU ^^
Heehee ^^
I reached home at 8 20 you noeeee!!!
Damn tired...
United as one(big marshmallow) 8:22 AM.
hello, this is ahmah.
since fang ting says that i have to post smth. i shall. but i really dunno what to post...hmmm...oh yea. today's games were really fun. we played cat and mouse, whacko...and is there one more? nvr mind. but it was really fun:] forfeit pairs were jamie toh and naomi, jana and xavier, and me and xavier. xavier must be so sad. got forfeit twice. somemore its seven wonders... then got to redo the freaking IH essay... mr low lah. say what this invention is not a real invention. invention is an invention. simple english also cannot understand...
United as one(big marshmallow) 6:00 AM.
Okay, from now on, I cant stay online after 10 30 -.-
All because of that Traffic Light.
She complained to my mum.
So now I tio curfew.
Every night at 10 30 she'll off the internet -.-
Damn pissed sia.
United as one(big marshmallow) 8:07 AM.
KOH. JIN. JIE. Faster make me an admin lehhhh.
I have to change the timezone, the size of the posting area, etc.
you are too busy for it . *says this in a
VERY nice tone :DDD*
Haha xDD But seriously, make me one soon. ^^
Today I aint going anywhere, so anyone wanna audi, just msn me kays? :D
Bought the Topical 'O' Level Chemistry assessment already ^^
Those who wanna see can just ask ^^
Hmm, thats about it for now...
So, bye bye :DDDDD
United as one(big marshmallow) 1:52 AM.
I forgot to say that I made a new product :DDD
This is mainly to Jolene, but, aw what the hell, I'll just show it to everyone ^^
Haha :DDD

Yeah, it's my ugly hand.
Got a prob with it?
Then dont look xDDD
Muahahaha :DDDD
Must support kayyys???
United as one(big marshmallow) 11:48 PM.
Yo za!
Yeah, I always post a late entry.
Sue me :DD
Hahas, so okay.
Today was quite good.
Total slack day, as I would call it :DDD
I re-did my Oral presentation, got a 25 :DDD
Increased by 2 from my previous score ^^
So quite happy :DDD
Past 2 days didnt slp sia, cos of hw and assignments :(((
Especially the Oral one.
Make me stay up until 2 30 AM x.x
Haha xD
Had thinking today, made me awake.
But Chinese lecture made me fall asleep again xDDD
Ask Gloria xDDD She saw me slping throughout the whole lecture xDD
After school, had bball cafe.
Damn fun :DD
Started off with dribbling.
Then practice layup.
Wah, I suck like shit sia xPPPP
Sianzzz xDDD
After that, play match :DD
I damn happy cos the first shot I silent in.
Is from where you start the ball that area :DD
About 2-3 pointer there, not that sure xDD
Happy happy :DDDD
You can ask Jana, Nicole and Shao Qing they all :DDD
After bball, went home alone :'(
Saded DDD;
Home le, just slack and do the usual stuff :D
That's all, so byeeee ^^
United as one(big marshmallow) 11:40 PM.
hello ahmah here. the blog is getting kinda boring so must visit it more often kay?:] hehe. nothing much to post about...
United as one(big marshmallow) 5:59 AM.
First time posting on this blog :DDD
Feeling quite hyper now, even though I was half dead just a min ago xDDD
Must be the chocolate milk I drank :O
Heehee ^^
Hmm, frankly, I dunno wat to post xDDD
So I'll just post some random stuff, yeah?
So, I recently made this banner for my blogshop.
(The blogshop is maintained by me, Jolene and my pri sch fren, Sze-G :D)
We're not officially open, but we will be, soon.
We just need to make an acceptable amount of products first before opening,
So that we won't have to rush when someone places an order xDDD
Please support, kays?
The blogshop is
here .
The skin will soon be changed, after my couz completes it :DDD
kind *cough* Jin Jie gives me a base code
generously *cough**cough* :x
Haha xDDD
Well, I've got nothing to say for now, so toodles! :DDDDD
United as one(big marshmallow) 7:29 AM.
hello. this blog is very dead. except for the cbox. eh so must post stuff kay? i dunno what to post though...-ahmah
United as one(big marshmallow) 5:44 AM.
HI!!!! Tis Xavier. Trying the post option. sorry if i ruined anything JJ
United as one(big marshmallow) 4:46 AM.